Croquet Experience weekends

In recent years we have offered our acclaimed Croquet Experience weekends when groups of guests enjoy our fabulous facilities and give various versions of croquet a try.

These were exceptionally well received,  but demand in 2023 evaporated, so we have not scheduled any for 2024. However if you would like to come on one of these, please use our contact form (link below) to let us know and we will get them back into our schedule.

These are practical, hands-on weekends for a maximum of 16 guests, and are varied, enjoyable, convivial, stimulating and sociable.

During the weekend, guests:

    • learn a range of basic croquet skills,
    • meet club members and learn from them,
    • enjoy some “proper” and “fun” versions of croquet, including a croquet “gymkhana” (no horses are involved!), and
    • get to know and enjoy the company of a small group of other people new to croquet.

No prior experience or visit to the club is necessary, but it is also very suitable for people who have been on a free “taster” session and/or an Open Day and fancy more but are not wanting to join the club. There is no expectation that you will want to take the game further, but of course you are very welcome to do so if you get addicted!

The fee for the weekend is £60. For this you will have the use of club lawns, facilities and equipment for the weekend with free facilitation, coaching and support from experienced club members. Participants are encouraged to bring a packed / picnic lunch. We’ll provide hot drinks and pastries to go with our morning coffee break, and usually a bowl of fresh fruit or some healthy nibbles to share.

The weekend is intended to be fulfilling and enjoyable in its own right. However, should you wish to join the club for the rest of the season, half the fee you have paid will be deducted from your first year’s subscription, and you will be encouraged to sign up for our “Learn to Play” course when next scheduled. This provides the more formal, structured coaching and support essential to get to grips with competitive croquet.

2024 Croquet Experience Weekend dates:

    • none yet scheduled

Dates will be added if there is demand.

Please use this contact form if you would like to attend one of these weekends.


Teams & captains for inter-club matches

Croquet tournaments offer the opportunity to play competitively as an individual, whereas in matches you are part of a team representing your club, county or country. 

As a club we enter teams into several regional and national Association Croquet, Golf Croquet and Short Croquet competitions against other clubs, mainly knockouts but some local leagues, which are played over the course of a season in home and away venues at dates agreed between the two team captains. Team captains will identify a squad at the start of the season, and invite members of the squad to form a team for each match, depending on availability. 

The various team competitions have different criteria for team selection (e.g. based on handicap range). In general you don’t need to announce your availability and willingness to play; so long as your contact details and handicap are correct in the club handbook, the captain will contact you if they’d like you to be in a team. 

For 2023 our club team captains are as follows:    

Association Croquet

    • Inter-club Championship: John Davis
    • Mary Rose: Alex Mcintyre
    • Longman Cup : Mick Owens
    • East Midlands Federation 26pt league: Mark Innes
    • East Midlands Federation 14pt league: Mark Innes

Short Croquet

    • Short Croquet: Andrew Beaumont

Golf Croquet

    • Inter-club Championship: Ian Burridge
    • Murphy Shield: Andy Dixon
    • East Midlands Federation league (2 teams): Andy Dixon and Veronica Savill
    • East Midlands Federation Advantage GC League: Cathy Turski 

If you are eligible to play AC or GC at county level for Nottinghamshire, the relevant organisers may be in touch. Nottinghamshire has strong county teams. 

The Croquet England Selection Committees will be in touch if your playing records suggests they may want to invite you to play in Internationals.