We run a programme of schools outreach, an annual Summer School and a Juniors Club, all supervised by DBS-certified club members. Parents, guardians, teachers etc are welcome to attend. Our policies page includes details of our safeguarding policy and safeguarding officer. We respect privacy and do not take or publish photos including recognisable children without explicit permission.
Full details of our provision for school aged children are on the Juniors page.
We will be running two early season Learn to Play Courses in 2024 for new members who have little or no prior croquet experience. This course may also be relevant if you have played croquet in a back garden or a hotel but haven’t played croquet with club or tournament quality equipment and playing surfaces.
The dates are:
8 evenings, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting 23rd April
7 Sunday mornings, 9:30am – 12:30 pm, starting 14th April
To ensure sufficient personal attention, there is a limit of 12 participants on each course.
Subsequent courses or alternative croquet induction activities may be added; watch this space.
The ‘Learn to Play’ course is designed to help you learn how to play two forms of croquet, equip you with the skills to play the relevant strokes, and to put it all together in a game which you will be able to play with friends and other club members by the end of the course. It is only the start of a journey of learning and skills development. People who take this course will also be offered comprehensive support for the rest of the season. A start in early season will help you attain good skills in your first year.
All our courses are intended to be enjoyable and sociable as well as instructive. No croquet equipment is needed; just come with flat-soled footwear and suitably comfortable clothing for an outdoor activity.
For more information or to register an interest, please contact us using the Contact form.