Club Competitions & Ladder

Each year we have a wide choice of competitions within the club, in various formats, for Association Croquet, Golf Croquet and Short Croquet, now organised by John Filsak. You may enter as many or as few club competitions as you like (so long as you have a reasonable expectation of completing them during the season). Some are knockouts, others are a block of up to 8 in which all play all. They are a good way to play against members who you may not yet know. Games can be arranged at mutual convenience during the season. There are prizes for the winners of the various competitions.

2024 details will be provided here when available

The 2023 entry form is here. Entries are due by 6th April.

Last year’s draw is here as a Google Spreadsheet with multiple tabs, and this year’s will be provided when the draw is done. The draws for the various events will also be printed and posted on noticeboards in the east pavilion.

During the course of the season, you should contact the members you are due to play and arrange your games. Results should be recorded on the paper sheets on the east pavilion notice boards (not on the lawn booking system as last year).

We are pleased to reinstate the club ladder for 2023. This enables  members to play games that count against others without on an impromptu basis. Details will be posted in the east pavilion.



“Roll up” sessions

Roll-up sessions are slots when lawns are pre-booked for casual play rather than pre-arranged games.

Club Day is every Tuesday afternoon and evening (2pm to dusk), based at the west pavilion. Members may come at any time without booking and informally organise croquet games (whether AC, GC, SC, 1-ball, ricochet or even informal games such as Pirates) with anyone who is waiting. If no-one is waiting for a game, you may like to socialise over a beverage until a game is available. 

Thursday GC evenings. Cathy Turski is planning again to host the popular GC coaching sessions, from 4pm to 6pm and 6pm to 8pm, with the 4pm slot being mainly for the benefit of newer members.