The east lawns and much of Highfields Park were inundated during storm Babet yesterday (Fri 20th October). The pavilion remained above the water level, but the shipping container and huts were in the floodwater, and there were stop boards, pipes and tree debris floating. Some clearing up will be needed soon.
Omied Hallam triumphant in Nottingham’s Annual Tournament
Nottingham Croquet Club’s Annual Tournament, established 1929, was this year as usual very well attended and a huge success on many levels. 44 players, around half of them visitors, competed in four singles Class events, the Robin Good handicap singles and a handicap Doubles knockout.
Omied Hallam made a remarkable achievement of winning the A-class Open Singles against some strong competition, and winning the Robin Hood handicap event, and also – partnering Mark Lansdale – the doubles event. We think this may be the first time in the tournament’s history that one player has won all three. The other winners were: Taylor Salver – Peter Death, B class – Ken Jones, C class – Julian Gibson, D class – Tom Dewar.
Before the presentations, CA President Patricia Duke-Cox announced that the manager of the event, Alex McIntyre, has been awarded a CA Diploma for his contribution to the club in many areas (professional architectural expertise, DIY, Lawns Manager, Security Officer, etc) .
The lawns were in fine fettle thanks to Charlie the groundsman, and there was wonderful catering thanks to Irmgard and Lorna and their lunch team, and Liz and her tea team. The well-stocked bar (thanks to Martin) was hugely appreciated. Our treasurer (John Davis) will be well pleased with the income from entry fees, bar and catering.
More detail on the CA website at