Following the club's new lease, which now covers both pavilions and the adjoining long-disused public toilets, we have pursued a programme of development projects to make the facilities more appropriate, accessible and attractive for members and the wider community. The third major project involves refurbishing the (grade II listed) pavilions and toilets, to make both pavilions not only more spacious but also more accessible, useful, comfortable, hygienic and welcoming.
Thanks to grant funding from The Wesleyan Foundation, Magic Little Grants, and Sport England, as well as all who donated to our Triple-a-Peel crowdfunder, together with pledges from members, legacies and savings, we are now able to fund this project. We are very pleased to announce that we have now accepted a tender, and construction work will commence on Monday 18th January. All being well it will be complete before the beginning of the season in early April. We are hugely grateful to Alex McIntyre who has contributed his professional skills, vision and energy throughout this process and will be project managing the construction work.
All club equipment and members' property left at the club has been moved into secure storage for the duration of the works. The current government lockdown to reduce COVID-19 transmission is preventing winter play at present so we have not made provision for alternative equipment storage and toilets. If play becomes possible before the work is complete we will review this.
The fundraising has been a major achievement during the financial turbulence of the pandemic year of 2020, and we are grateful to all mentioned above. There are still some remaining areas where further expenditure is needed to enable club members and the wider public to take full advantage of the wonderful facilities we can now offer.
We look forward to being able to enjoy a great 2021 season of "Croquet for All" with the benefit of these enhanced facilities.
Here are a few photos of some of the (nearly) cleared rooms and some showing the need for refurbishment.