Congratulations to Lorna Dewar who was in November awarded the Steel Memorial bowl for the most improved female Association Croquet player in the country. Lorna has by far the largest Ranking Grade increase of any female player in the world.
CA Diploma for Ian Draper
Ian Draper has been awarded the Croquet Association Diploma for services to Nottingham Croquet Club. The award was presented by club President, Dr Ian Vincent, at the President's Tea on Saturday 1st October. Congratulations to Ian for this well-deserved recognition for his contributions over a number of years in various areas.
The full citation is as follows:
Croquet Association Diploma Award Citation
Ian Draper, Nottingham Croquet Club
Since joining Nottingham Croquet Club in 2012, Ian has distinguished himself not only as a fine player (reaching an AC handicap of 0.5) but most notably through dedicating his time and talents to some challenging, innovative and strategic areas, achieving remarkable success.
The club’s range of activities for school children – including an annual programme of outreach into schools, Mallet Sports Summer Schools, after-school sessions at the club, and opportunities for juniors to play against other clubs – are all largely thanks to Ian’s vision and energy and dogged persistence when at times things have seemed discouraging. Having juniors changes the feel of the club for the better. The beneficial effect on our younger members is apparent and sometimes transformative. The reputational gains among teachers, parents, local communities, policy makers and the wider croquet world are testament to the vision and dedication of Ian, supported by a loyal and committed group of club volunteers.
For some years Ian has led the club’s recruitment and retention work, engaging strong and disparate talents and personalities to create a highly effective and increasingly mutually supportive team. Together they attract and welcome record numbers of new members to the club, coordinate coaching at all levels of the game, especially nurturing beginners, and provide a wide range of activities to facilitate learning, skills development, engagement, enjoyment and club cohesion. The club’s regular and highly successful “Alternate Stroke Doubles” and “Club Social Doubles” afternoons are of Ian’s making.
In these areas Ian is never afraid to innovate, share learnings and adapt accordingly.
Ian notices how new members develop their skills, integrate into the club and affect its balance and ambience, and he contributes astute observations and helpful strategic suggestions.
Nottingham Croquet club therefore heartily commends Ian for the CA Diploma.