Mary Rose semi-final triumphs

Nottingham beat Bowdon 6-1 in the semi-final of the Mary Rose inter-club competition.  

On Wednesday (29th September) a Nottingham team of Dave Gunn (0.5), Ian Draper (0.5), Mike Hedge (1.5) and Alex McIntyre (1.5) played at home to a visiting team from Bowdon: Mike Sandler (0.5), Will Mellor (2.5), Nigel Matthews (3.5) and Adrian Apps (3.5). By lunchtime Nottingham were 2-1 up, and by early afternoon (when your reporter left) Draper had had a quick victory and the other three matches looked poised. In the event Nottingham won all three for a resounding 6-1 victory.

Congratulations to the Nottingham team, and best wishes for the final against Surbiton  on Saturday 2nd October at Surbiton. 

Detailed results (unconfirmed) below. A formal report with photos will be published when available.

Nottingham names first:

Draper & Gunn vs Sandler & Mellor +24
McIntrye vs Matthews +9
Hedge vs Apps -7

Gunn vs Sandler +5
Draper vs Mellor +26
McIntryre vs Apps +17
Hedge vs Mathews +2

Club barbecue – and World Croquet Federation presentation

Sunday 29th August saw a well attended and well received club barbecue from around 5pm, with around 60 members attending, including a good number of our 2021 new members. This coincided with the second day of the GC Top Eight (Ricki Savage memorial) tournament, and once their games were finished, the players joined us. Attendees feasted on marinated chicken, burgers, sausages, baked potatoes, salads and ice creams. Many thanks to Diana Plant and the social committee for organising this and to the large team of volunteers involved in catering, setting up, front of house etc. 

    (Photo credit: Nicky Newberry)


Ian Burridge, in his capacity as President of the World Croquet Federation, took the opportunity to present a gift to Stephen Mulliner, who is retiring from his role as Secretary General of the WCF, in front of the assembled throng. (Both Stephen and Ian were taking part in the tournament.)

Photo: Stephen (left) & Ian.