Nottingham won the delayed 2020 Mary Rose final 4-1. Congratulations to team captain Alex McIntyre along with Dave Gunn, Mike Hedge and Sophie McGlen.
The final of the Mary Rose inter-club competition between High Wycombe and Nottingham had to be postponed because of tier 3 restrictions last October and was re-arranged for Sunday 11th April 2021. In biting cold weather, at the neutral venue of Wrest Park, Nottingham were in the lead at the end of the morning’s play. Heavy snow showers swept in and the temperature hovered at around 3 degrees but Sophie managed to finish her second round game in just 45 minutes and took Nottingham to the requisite 4 wins to take the trophy. The last 2 games were somewhat gratefully abandoned!
Formal report and detailed results below.
The winning team. L to R: Mike, Alex, Dave, & front, Sophie. (Photographer unknown)
Formal report:
Nottingham and High Wycombe played the belated 2020 Mary Rose final at Wrest Park on a sunny but fiercely cold Sunday last weekend.
After a slow start, Dave Gunn & Alex McIntyre finally got going to beat Mike Porter & Chris Roberts and Mike Hedge beat Richard Peperell, whilst Sophie McGlen lost a close match against Keith Pound.
After lunch, Sophie quickly extended the lead that her teammates had established in the morning, meaning that Nottingham needed one more win to secure victory. Alex had the innings at 4-back and peg and Dave was well up in his game when Mike closed out a three ball ending just as the snow flurries started in earnest. All agreed a quick retreat to the warmth of their cars was in order and the last two games were duly abandoned.
Many thanks to George from Wrest Park for preparing the lawns and braving the cold!
Dave Gunn (1) & Alex McIntyre (2.5) beat Mike Porter (0) & Chris Roberts (0) +3
Sophie McGlen (3) lost to Keith Pound (2) -6
Mike Hedge (2.5) beat Richard Peperell (3) +14
Sophie McGlen (3) beat Richard Peperell (3) +24
Mike Hedge (2.5) beat Keith Pound (2) +6