In a splendid event today, the club celebrated its new and updated facilities with a reception for donor organisations, partner organisations who use our facilities and others. Lilian Greenwood MP formally declared the facilties open by cutting a ribbon across the front entrance to the newly refurbished west pavilion. Displays of the club's History, the Hoops 4 Health initiative and the redevelopment programme were on show in the west pavilion. All present were able to have a go at some croquet skills themslves, with club members supporting them. Two brand new marquees were in use for catering just east of the west lawns, and a splendid afternoon tea was served to all 80 or so present.
The main aspects of the work being celebrated were the extension of the club's irrigation system to cover three disused bowling greens, the resurfacing, reseeding and nurturing of these greens to form four new croquet lawns and a half lawn, and the refurbishment of both pavilions.
Many thanks to all the volunteers who contributed to making this event such a success, to Lilian Greenwood for her support and appreciative speech, and most of all to all who supported the projects financially and in other ways, including the individuals and organisations who provided funding.
A short video presentation about the renovation effort and the club's ethos and aspirations can be seen here.
Photographs to follow.