Please don’t shoot the messanger, but the following appears on the NeT website:
NET works update – University Boulevard and Jesse Boot Avenue
As you may be aware, works have been taking place on University Boulevard as part of the expansion of the tram network to Beeston and Chilwell. Works to realign University Boulevard for the future tram route are due to begin shortly.
On Friday 13th September University Boulevard will be closed to eastbound traffic (going towards Nottingham City Centre) and on Saturday 14th September it will be closed in both directions, from 8pm to 5am each night, in preparation for these works. The diversion route for traffic during these times will be via Derby Road (A52). Access to the Tennis Centre and Hockey Club will be maintained at all times via the diversion route. Workers on site will be available to direct vehicles wishing to access the Science Park at night. Then, on Sunday 15th September from 5am, University
Boulevard will be reopened.
Works will then begin on University Boulevard from its junction with East Drive (the south entrance to the University of Nottingham) down to the Tennis Centre. There will be lane restrictions on University Boulevard with a temporary 20 mph speed limit in place while these works are taking place, for safety reasons.Jesse Boot Avenue will also be temporarily closed, with access to the Tennis Centre and the Science Park available via George Green Way, which will be made into an entrance and exit for traffic using traffic controlled signalised traffic lights.
These temporary traffic measures will be in place 24 hours a day seven days a week while these works are ongoing. These works are expected to be complete in early 2014.
These works will be carried out between 8am – 6pm, Monday – Friday and 8am – 6pm on Saturday and will be in accordance with the project’s Code of Construction Practice.
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience these works may cause you, and would like to assure you we will do all that we can to keep disruption to a minimum.For more information about these works, the Code of Construction Practice, or the project in general, please contact us on the number below or visit our website. 0115 9242454