For reasons explained to members by email, we are making some slight changes to access and security arrangements for the time being. Firstly the gate we normally use to access the main (east) lawns could be locked at any time, and members may have to enter using the side gate just to the east of the east pavilion. Members: please unlock the side gate to gain entry and lock it again behind you, to keep yourself and the club secure. You will know the code number. Secondly we may have to board up some or all of the huts over winter to make them less attractive to any who wish to use them for purposes not related to croquet.
We plan to keep lawns available for our hardier members to enjoy out of season play. The rotation on the lawn booking system has been revised to exclude lawn 5 which now needs some extra care.
In the unlikely event that you see any unwelcome visitors while visiting the club to play, particularly if they are congregating in a hut and drinking, please do not approach them. If there is evidence of antisocial or illegal behaviour, including illegal gatherings, you may wish to call the police on 101.
We hope you are all keeping well and safe, and are looking forward to the Christmas season.