Triple-aPeel – great progress

Fantastic news! Half way through our campaign and we have reached nearly £27,000 (including a grant of £10,000 from Sport England which arrived sooner than expected) from our total target of £30,000. And we've had support from croquet players from all over the world, from our local MP and councillor, from local communities and businesses, groups who have used our facilities, from our own members and from their contacts, friends, colleagues and families. Many thanks to all.

Our campaign goes on.

As well as the work to improve, adapt and refurbish the two pavilions we have recently created 4 full-size croquet courts and a half sized one on the old bowling greens. So in due source we will need more hoops, balls and stop-boards for the new lawns and shelters for players.

We have a good supply of club mallets, but on Open Days and with larger groups we simply do not have enough, particularly when no-one is permitted to share one with covid restrictions. Our junior section could do with a greater range of sizes and in addition, many of our club mallets were purchased in the 1970s so are approaching 50 years old! There have been many repairs in that time.

So any extra funding raised from this campaign will be put to good use, providing the finishing touches to the pavilions, equipping our new lawns, putting up huts and buying some extra club mallets.

Thankyou to everyone who has supported, and is continuing to support, the work we are doing at Nottingham Croquet Club to make our sport truly ‘Croquet for All’.

Club members – as well as your own generous contributions, we would still love you all to encourage your contacts, colleagues, feiends, neighbours or family to visit the site and to make – even small – contributions. Having evidence of widespread interest and support will be invaluable in so many ways, including raising the profile of the game locally. We would be very pleased if every member could find three contributors.

Members who have already pledged money for the pavilion works – please be guided by emails from Ian Vincent as to the most appropriate method and timing to make your contributions. 

Summer school