Grants and Sponsorships

We are extremely grateful for grant funding that we have received towards the substantial cost of our re-development work in 2020/21. This followed the extension of our lease to include the adjacent redundant bowls club. We extended the irrigation from our own borehole, removed ditches and completely re-laid the bowling greens creating 4½ croquet courts.  We have created a level access and a multi-use space in the West pavilion and improved the layout and facilities in our existing East pavilion.

In total over £100,000 has been invested, some of it from funds that we had been putting aside for such a day, some from generous support from our own members, some from a very successful crowd-funding campaign and some from the following organisations who have provided grant funding. (Click on logos for more information.)

Sport England: Active Together

FCC Communities Foundation

The Croquet Association 

Wesleyan Foundation 

East Midlands Airport

Made by Sport

Nottingham City Council: Lenton and Wollaton East Ward Councillors

Federation of East Midlands Croquet Clubs

Magic Little Grants – Postcode Lottery

We have also previously received sponsorship from local businesses for major events. If you are interested in sponsoring future events then please contact us via the Contact Us page.

Expectations of members

In order to have a well-functioning and harmonious club we have some largely common-sense expectations.

  • Club constitution and rules: Members should of course behave in accordance with the constitution and rules of the club.
  • Club policies: Members are expected to abide by our various published policies.
  • Code of conduct: Member should behave in accordance with Croquet England’s Code of Conduct
  • Club property: Members are expected to treat club equipment and facilities with care, using equipment as intended, not removing items from the premises without good reason, returning everything in good condition to the proper place after use, or reporting any loss or damage. Please avoid any actions which may foreseeably damage the fine turf. Leave any pavilion areas you have used, such as kitchens and toilets, as scrupulously clean and tidy as a reasonably fastidious member would like to find them. Please record expenditure or moneys received promptly and correctly and pay dues when required. Care should be taken over the security of the premises, especially locking up if you are the last to leave. Padlock code numbers and passwords should not be shared with non-members.
  • Respect for others: We also particularly encourage members to embrace inclusivity and diversity as we endeavour to provide “Croquet for All”. We expect members to treat each other and visitors to the club with due care and respect. Specifically we should treat everyone equally and without discrimination, we should look out for each other and also ensure the contact details of other members are not shared outside the club. Do not use, move or interfere with other members’ property without their permission.
  • Dress code: The only general mandatory requirement is that members and anyone using our facilities should wear flat-soled footwear (such as trainers) whenever on the lawns. There is no dress code for normal club play, but players who enter some more formal tournaments, matches and events may be expected to wear “predominately white”.

Flat soled footwear – vital to minimise lawn damage     

Tournament players wearing mainly white clothing.