The Jim Kirby beginners’ tournament took place on Saturday on a mild September day and attracted a record entry of eleven players. This year’s new beginners, Jan Draper, Carol Scott, Josh McIntyre, Andrew Beaumont, Andy Dixon, Alex McIntyre and Tom Westhoff competed courageously with our more established beginners, Shirley Ashtari, Justine Schneider, Viv Staley and Colin Muge.
Outright winner of the Jim Kirby Cup was Viv Staley, Alex McIntyre was runner up and the surprise best new beginner was Tom Westhoff who was last seen playing croquet several months ago having been studying hard at school!
Viv Staley and Jesse Boot with the Jim Kirby Cup
Runner up Alex McIntyre with President Peter Death
Sixth-former Tom Westhoff is best new beginner
The tournament was expertly managed by Peter Moore while Judith Moore and Niki Gann served a delicious tea at the end of the day. Many thanks also to Caroline Dixon and Cathy Turski who stepped in to cover for absent players.
Report by Judith Moore, Photos by David Brydon