Subscription Rates and Green Fees

The annual subscription rates agreed at the 2020 AGM for the various categories of membership are:

Full £175 £90, £125
Country £110 £60, £85
Far Country £30  
Student £30  
Junior £25  
Non-playing £15  

The reduced rates in the right-hand column are available to new players in their first and second season.  There is a £10 reduction for members who, for Croquet Association membership purposes, are primary members of another club.

Green fees for casual visitors are £5 per half day (reduced to £4 when they are the guest of a member).  Charges for social groups are £10 per head (to reflect the effort required to supervise them, but again reduced to £5 when a member is organising the activity as a member of the group). (These are to be confirmed).

The charge for tea and coffee during the season is £20.

The charge for tournament lunches is £9, tournament and club teas £3.