Club arrangements during corona-virus crisis

With so much uncertainty at present and the announcement made by the Government on 16th March, the club committee has taken some decisions about how the club will operate over the next few weeks. This is, of course, subject to change if Government advice changes.

The club will be open and members are encouraged to use it for important fresh air and exercise at a time when other activity may be restricted, so long as they are well and so long as they avoid being in close proximity as far as possible. You are asked to wash your hands immediately on arrival, using the basins and driers in the changing rooms and not the sink or towels in the kitchen. If you are using club mallets you may wish to bring some wipes or a cloth to wipe the shaft before and after use. The kitchen will be open but you must wash cups and anything else you have used before and after use and leave the kitchen spotless. Milk will not be regularly supplied, so please bring your own.  Lawns 6 & 7 are currently available for play.

The club spring clean is scheduled for Tuesday 24th March from 2pm (Update – this is now postponed) and setting out the stop boards on Tuesday 31st March at 2pm (this is also postponed). If you are fit, well and willing to come along then please let Beatrice know by the day before. If you are at all worried then do not feel guilty if you would rather stay away. 

The final bridge session on 24th March is cancelled.

The handicappers’ course, coaches’ lunch and coach qualification course, which were all due to be held Mar 28th-31st, are cancelled.

The AGM is scheduled for 4th April. After discussing various ways of ensuring members’ participation, the committee is proposing that instead of holding a meeting, we send all the reports, nominations and discussion papers out to members either by e-mail, or by post to those members without e-mail, and will ask for comments and questions to be sent back within three days. These will then be circulated to everyone and any objections and votes (if required) will have to be returned 3 days after that. If anyone has any objections to this procedure then please let Ellen Gee know by 21st March.

There will be three vacancies on the committee. Anyone interested in standing for the committee should submit their nomination, along with the names of a proposer and seconder, to Ellen by 21st March.

It is currently expected that club competitions will proceed as usual, although the ‘play-by’ dates may be later in the season than usual. An entry form was included with the AGM notification (sent on 8th March). Please return this to James Death or put your name on the list in the pavilion before 18th April.

Tournaments due to be held at Nottingham will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, as this crisis unfolds. If the decision is taken to cancel a tournament then all entrants will be informed at least two weeks in advance. Tournament entry fees will be refunded. If you are expecting to play elsewhere, other clubs will also be following this procedure. Think carefully if you are incurring other costs such as accommodation or travel.

The CA is reviewing the situation regularly, with regard to government advice and the croquet playing demographic. Updates are being posted on the home page of the CA website, under Latest Croquet News

Finally, we hope you all can enjoy some play when the sun comes out, if only to keep your sanity! Take care and keep safe.


Coronavirus concerns

The Committee of Nottingham Croquet Club and the Executive Board of the Croquet Association (CA) are monitoring the developing situation with regard to Coronavirus (COVID-19), and emerging medical and government advice. Current CA advice is here:

Croquet is an outdoor non-contact sport with many health benefits, which inherently provides a low risk of passing on infections between players during a game, provided sensible precautions are taken.

At the time of writing the government has not chosen to request cessation of any cultural or sporting events, and Public Health England has declared the risk level to be moderate. Some individuals who have symptoms or who have travelled from certain countries are being asked to self-isolate for 14 days. The Government is providing regular updates here: Concerned members should refer to this for a detailed response.

The committee therefore plans that all club activities will continue as fully as possible. Members are asked to follow government and medical advice to minimise the potential spread of viruses. This may include e.g. choosing not to shake hands at the end of a game. The committee will endeavour to make the club environment and catering provision as safe and hygienic as possible.

We hope and trust the season will go ahead with minimal disruption and lots of enjoyment.