GC Inter-Club: Nottingham beat Ashby 5-2

Nottingham 5 Ashby 2


Ian Burridge & James Death beat Rachel Gee and Will Gee 7-5 6-7 7-6

Richard Bilton beat Arthur Rowe 7-6 7-1

Euan Burridge beat Tim King 7-4 7-3


James Death lost to  Rachel Gee 4-7 7-6 4-7

Ian Burridge beat Will Gee 7-5 7-5

Richard Bilton  lost to Tim King 6-7 1-7

Euan Burridge beat Arthur Rowe 7-2 7-4

Nottingham beat Pendle in Mary Rose

Result for Nottingham vs Pendle.


Nottingham 6: Pendle 0


First post-Covid19 comp at Nottingham, 03/07/20. Very cold, windy and drizzly!




Doubles not completed.

Ian Draper pegged out by Liz, Dave Gunn on penult.

Liz Wilson on peg,  Roger Schofield on 1 back


Mike Hedge beat Paul Dowdall +26 in 1hr15m!

Alex McIntyre beat Peter Wilson +19




Mike Hedge beat Peter Wilson +25

Alex McIntyre beat Paul Dowdall +25


Dave Gunn beat Liz Wilson +13

Ian Draper beat Roger Schofield +5


Alex McIntyre.