A nice BBC video from a croquet club near Chichester.
Here at Nottingham we also endeavour to embrace and provide "Croquet for All".
A nice BBC video from a croquet club near Chichester.
Here at Nottingham we also endeavour to embrace and provide "Croquet for All".
We decided to open the club for the 2021 season earlier than usual, on 29th March – the earliest date allowed for sports venues – and members seem delighted, especially as it's unseasonably warm and sunny. We are limited to just lawn 1 for the first two days (due to work on the oaks off the north boundaries of lawns 2-5 making the lawns unusable) and it is divided into half lawns. We expect to have 5 lawns in use by Wednesday with them all usable as half lawns or full lawns, and – all being well – 9 by late Summer.