Nottingham B beat Hurlingham 4-3 in Inter-Club

We narrowly kept our interest in the Inter-Club alive by beating Hurlingham 4-3 in windy conditions before the deluge last night.  Ian Lines won the deciding match, finishing from 4-Back and peg.  We play Colchester in the 2nd round.

The full results, as reported on the CA website, were:

Ian Lines & Debbie Cornelius lost to Gabrielle Higgins & Dayal Gunasekera -4
Ailsa Lines beat Richard Hoskyns +4
Sanaa Hallam lost to Bob Stephens -5

Ian Lines beat Gabrielle Higgins +17
Debbie Cornelius lost to Dayal Gunasekera -18
Ailsa Lines beat Bob Stephens +10
Sanaa Hallam beat Richard Hoskyns +26

David Gunn won National Forest AC Handicap at Ashby

David Gunn won the National Forest AC Handicap Tournament at Ashby.  For details please see the report on the CA website.