Nottingham B beat Sussex County in the Inter-Club

Our team was Keith Aiton, Richard White, Ailsa Lines and Martin Beacon.  It looks like we recovered from 1-2 down at lunch to win 4-3, with what I suspect were some rather tight endings!

Dominic Nunns & Alan Cottle beat Keith Aiton & Richard White +12
Ailsa Lines beat Simon Hayward-Tapp +22
Luc Berthouze beat Martin Beacon +17
Dominic Nunns beat Keith Aiton +9
Richard White beat Alan Cottle +18
Martin Beacon beat Simon Hayward-Tapp +4
Ailsa Lines beat Luc Berthouze +5

Nottingham B go on to play Cheltenham in the semi-final.

Nottingham A play their first match against Woking at home on Thursday 11th July.

Nottingham beat Edgbaston 6-1 in Mary Rose

Nottingham were 2-1 up at an excellent lunch, and increased their lead with the first afternoon game to finish, but the match was a lot closer than the eventual score suggested, with the last three games all having single figure margins, two with pegged out endings.

Results (with Edgbaston names first):

Markham & Cawdell lost to Ian Vincent & Martin Beacon -26
Slater lost to Omied Hallam -16
Thompson bt Peter Death +5

Markham lost to Vincent -5
Cawdell lost to Beacon -4
Slater lost to Death -5
Thompson lost to Hallam -17

We play Pendle and Craven at home in the next round.