The club has five members, Keith Aiton, Ian Burridge, Eugene Chang, Paddy Chapman and James Death, competing in the AC World Championship being played at the National Croquet Centre, Florida, USA, from 16th to 24th April, 2016. Further information is available on the event website, with the results on Croquet Scores.
Report of AGM
With no questions about the reports from the Committee or Treasurer, relatively brief discussions about subscriptions and amendments to the rules, and no contested elections, Peter Death's last AGM in the Chair as President seemed on track to finish early. Ian Vincent was elected to succeed him as President and Bob Thompson as the new Hon. Secretary. However, the Chairman, Dave Gunn, rose to present Peter with a photo montage of the Women's World Championship he managed, as a token of thanks for ten years as President and, on behalf of the Committee, propose that he should be elected as a Vice President of the Club. Peter has been a member of the club for about 40 years, and has actively supported it throughout that time, despite having been posted elsewhere for part of it. He has managed our Annual Tournament for some years and used the experience he gained to manage the recent Womens World Championship. He is a former Treasurer of the club and is currently Treasurer of the Croquet Association. The proposal was agreed by acclaim.
Peter in turn paid tribute to Ian Vincent's 38 years of service as Hon. Secretary and presented him with an engraved tankard. Ian expressed his huge gratitude for the support he had received from so many members over that time and for the privilege of having being able to serve the club. He also thanked Bob Thompson for being willing to succeed him, repeating the words written by Bob Blackburn, his predecessor, when he had first been elected to the post: "He has great experience of all aspects of the croquet world and I know that the club will be in good hands when he is your Secretary"
, saying that, applied to Bob, they could be backed by a lot more evidence and uttered with expectation rather than hope!
Normal order was then restored for a discussion of issues concerning the Highfields Park Restoration Project, parking and our lease, with a presentation by Alex MacIntyre of possible changes to the Bowls Pavilion, though he recommended that usage of both pavilions should be considered together. Dave Gunn outlined plans for coaching and recruitment this season, but by then Peter was keen to bring proceedings to a close, as a celebration lunch was ready to be served.
Ian Vincent and Peter Death with their presentation items. Photo by David Brydon