Bowdon v Colchester AC Inter-Club

Club Social: pictures and quiz answers

The very enjoyable Golf Croquet social managed by Cathy Turski included a quiz, with players' names as answers, which are given below.  Christine Edwards also provided a quiz: watch this space for the results of that.  Many thanks to Michael and Irmgard Finnigan for the Barbecue, and to Linda Death for the photo.  Earlier in the day, Justine Snieder took shots of the players, which are available via this link.





Handy with a whistle –

Played & lost to Michael Adams (British Chess Grandmaster) –

Ian Burridge

Super star, hockey playing beauty

Viv Staley

Got engaged at 18 for a bottle of bubbly – but you can’t ring her now – total age of children 147

Eileen Buxton



Had to be rescued by the police when locked in the loo – loves a Big Bang – favourite holiday was afloat

Margaret Shah

Is ‘apealing’ – born in Sussex, first played croquet in Ireland

Ian Vincent

Won a trophy for tennis – was a witness in a murder trial – daughter just a tiny 1.14oz at birth

Sue Wileman

Loves the seaside – Ophidiophobe – and you may come across that word in her other love

Sylvia Lockett

Misguided football fan (right colours, wrong team) saw Michelle Obama visiting D-Day landing beaches

Euan Burridge

Almost spotted with the Beatles – has a tortoise

David Brydon



Went to school in Hong Kong, has 5 brothers and sisters – made loads of dough as a youngster, worked at flying high

Beatrice McGlen

Loves sailing with the wind in his hair (if it stays on!) Parents representated the Caravan Club at a garden party at Buckingham Palace

Andrew Beaumont

Mr International, knows more footballers than you’ve had hot dinners – plays the Sax

Derek Blow



An early Christmas present – will de-clutter you and dust your cooker

Carol Scott

Born in Dublin but reached the heights of Kilimanjaro to shake hands with Edna Kenny (An Taoiseach) – has a West Highland Terrier

Adrian Byrne

Comes from Belfast – has a Hong Kong connection – shook hands with John Major

Roger Berkeley

A Pyromaniac with the voice of an angel? Its all down to the BB

Bob Thompson

Another voice – studies Italian while planting her seeds

Sue Dean



Once you have worked out the above (not very sensible or gramatical sentence – please return your forms to …..

Was he one of the railway children? – He played table tennis with Donald Campbell and received a Norwegian Army bronze award for Biathlon

Michael Finnegan

Another fan of skiing – she shook hands with Maggie and was the Golden Shot ‘Markswoman of the Week’

Eileen Bardens


Thank you all for taking part – who knew that we had such interesting, accomplished, wonderful people playing croquet with us!


Apologies if I have missed anyone out – if I’ve missed off some of your facts – or turned some slightly around – again apologies


Have Fun!!

