Beginners Course – Week 1

Club AGM Summary

Ian Vincent presided over the club's 89th AGM held in the Beeston Hockey Club with 30 members in attendance.
The meeting stood for a minutes silence in recognision of the passing of Don Martin and John Handy.
All officers and committee members were elected unopposed to serve another year, Ian Vincent – President, Roger Berkeley – Hon. Treasurer, Bob Thompson – Hon. Treasurer, Beatrice McGlen – Chairman, Diana Plant, Miranda Chapman, James Death and Ian Draper. 
Lorna Orton had been nominated and was duly elected to be the Examiner of Accounts.
Michael Finnigan had been nominated and was unanimously as elected Vice – President.
Viv Staley had volunteered to take on the role of Membership Secretary, members with changes to their handicap should inform Viv who will in turn inform the CA Office to update their database. 
Martin Beacon had volunteered to collect meal and bar fees from tournament visitors.
Highfields Park restoration works – the City Councils project manager had been invited to address the meeting but had not been able to attend. After the club had been promised various dates for the works to restart have come and gone without any change, we are now promised that at least one pavilion if not both will be available for our use from 30th April.
Lawns – the ditches and paths between the bowling green lawns have been dug out, filled and seeded. The areas are very soft and are to be protected during the coming season.
Lease – at long last the City Council have forwarded details of a 35 year lease that the club's negotiating team are happy to put to members. It is proposed that the lease will increase incrementally ……from the present £12k to £15k over the forthcoming years, the club being responsible for gas and electricity charges……the club will buy materials such as top dressing, fertilizer, chemicals and grass seed etc. estimated costs of £5k – £6k per year.
Layby parking – the club's caterers are now to be allowed to park in the layby, parking permits will be issued to members on the day. Blue badge holders will also be allowed to park.
Subscriptions – Roger had suggested that all subs be increased by £5, making the full membership £150 etc….with individual tea & coffee increases to 50p and a season cost £20. Lunches to be £12
Ian Draper would be overseeing this seasons coaching, a coaching programme will be circulated in due course. 
David Brydon would once again be organising the 4 week Play to Learn course…..with follow up AC/GC coaching. 
Viv Staley will be holding a refresher course on Sunday 6th May 10:00 – 17:00.
Beatrice McGlen will be asking members to put their cullinary skills to good use and help out on the catering scene.
13th August, first day of the Annual Week will be the 90th anniversary of the club – suggestions are requested how best could the club celebrate on the day.
Nottingham have been asked to host the 2019 U21 GC World Championships, to be run over 5 days. Beatrice has set up an organised committee, however voulunteers will be needed, so please contact Beatrice if you are able to help.
Members wanting to order clothing should contact Viv Staley.
All members wishing to play in the club competitions should contact James Death.
Carol Scott asked that members show a very big thank you to the negotiating team dealing with the lease, they had all spent a great deal of their own personnel time and indeed frustration in coming to the present situation, members gave a warm round of applause. 
Ian Vincent closed the meeting after wishing members an enjoyable season.