Patricia Duke-Cox elected CA Vice-President

by Quiller Barrret at Hurlingham [^] -> bottom
20 Oct 2018 (CA Official News)


Council nominated Patricia Duke-Cox as a Vice-President of the Croquet Association at the 2018 Annual General Meeting and she was duly elected.

Patricia served on Council as a Federation representative and as an independently elected member from 2000 – 2012. In 2008 she was elected Council's first female chairman in modern times. She has been a stalwart of the East Midlands Federation and is currently its chairman. She founded, and was for some years the backbone of, the Woodhall Spa club, but is now secretary of the Pinchbeck Club and also a member of the Nottingham Club.

Patricia plays both Association and Golf croquet. She has a particular interest in junior croquet, organising matches against Irish Juniors in the years when they were able to raise a team and introducing a bursary system with support from Stephen Mulliner. As a librarian she is very interested in the history of the CA and was delighted to receive items on behalf of the CA from Tremaine Arkley of the USA with knowledgeable support from Roger Bray, a noted collector of items relating to croquet.

Since retiring from Council she has retained an interest in CA affairs and recently served on the Governance Working Party

Nottingham host Sheffield U3A

Omied Hallam reports:-

Nottingham where very happy to host Sheffield Croquet Club for an end of season friendly match. With a mixture of handicaps and AC and GC played on both side we played a variety of different games. The morning started with golf double followed by some advanced singles while others played golf doubles and singles. After a lovely and social lunch the teams played 2 games of alternate stroke doubles. The day was sunny and the play was relaxed, it was a great opportunity to support another club and also give some of the newer Nottingham players some experiences in competitive play. The final score was 12.5 to 8.5 to Nottingham not that it really mattered as everyone had a great day and some fun which is what it was all about. Special thanks to Eugene Chang for organising the event.