
Visitors in action - playing on lawns 6-7 with fine, varied evergreens behindWe love to welcome visitors who wish to enjoy our grounds when play is on, to watch and learn about croquet, or perhaps to have a go at this fascinating, skilful, tactical, enjoyable and non-arduous sport. Our playing season is usually early April to early October. If you’d like to come either individually or as a group, check out the menu links under Visit for different formats and arrangements, including some free of charge playing options. (There is never a charge for spectators).

Alternatively drop in any time, and if there are members and lawns free we can arrange a free taster session (for people who’ve never tried club croquet) or a lawn fee visit. To avoid possible disappointment (we have no staff) it’s best to book online, or come on a Tuesday after 2pm when we will have a friendly volunteer to welcome public visitors. 

The Club calendar lists formal events when there will always be croquet to watch but may or may not be an opportunity to play. At other times it is less predictable. It’s always best to contact us first to avoid possible disappointment, though we accommodate ad hoc requests from passers-by when we can.

If you would like to have a go, we provide all croquet equipment, but to avoid damage to our fine turf you must wear flat-soled footwear (e.g. trainers). Dress in a way which you will find comfortable for an outdoor activity in the expected weather conditions.

If you would like to explore the game in more depth, it’s best to come to one of our free Open Days or even book on to a Croquet Experience Weekend and then perhaps join a Learn to play course. 

Comprehensive information on getting to the club is provided here.

Nottingham Croquet Club

Welcome to our club

We are a friendly club with over 200 members aged from 8 to 98, and from many walks of life. We have room for more, thanks to our newly expanded and improved facilities, making us one of the country’s leading clubs, with 9 full sized lawns and two substantial well-equipped pavilions, providing some of the best croquet facilities and playing opportunities you’ll find anywhere. We cater for all abilities from complete beginner to world class; all ages from school age to vintage; and all styles of play from a pleasant, casual, social game to a highly skilful and competitive international sport.

We have an ethos of welcome, inclusion, mutual support, team spirit, volunteering, skills development and especially aspiring for sporting success.

Some members socialising outside the east pavilion

We put on events for complete beginners but also host elite events such as test matches in the prestigious MacRobertson Shield series, the 2015 Women's World Championship, and in 2019 the Under-21 World Golf Croquet Championship at which Euan Burridge, one of our members, was a bronze medallist.

Some of our current and past members have reached very distinguished and illustrious levels within the sport. We have around a dozen internationals, three former World Champions and the captain of the victorious 2010 Great Britain team.

Banner for Women's World championship with photos of 4 players in red and white

Above: Three World Champions from our club in recent years. Below: view from the club gates (2018); two members in play in May when the rhododendrons are at their best; club member and Women's World champion Miranda Chapman being awarded Nottinghamshire sportsperson of the year. 

   Miranda Chapman (20-something?) with award for Nottinghamshire amateur sportsperson of the year  

We are pleased to have a thriving Junior section for school-children, and are working to encourage and support Student Croquet.

We have been playing in the elegant surroundings of Highfields Park since 1929, with a vista to the University of Nottingham's magnificent Trent Building (Morley Horder, 1928) depicted on our club logo. 

During the season, which runs from early April to early October, lawns are available to members all day, seven days a week (except during certain events) and can be booked using our online lawn booking system for friendlies, club competitions, ladder games, coaching sessions, roll-up and play times, organised club events etc. Saturday afternoon club events followed by tea are very popular. A handicap system enables meaningful play between players of very different abilities. We also host tournaments (entered by individuals) and matches (inter-club team events). We enter our own teams in all the main national and regional inter-club competitions. 

We run public Open Days and free taster sessions for people new to club croquet, and welcome casual play from visitors and passers-by when possible - especially on Tuesday afternoons and evenings. Additionally we have a range of community engagement activities for social groups, community groups or corporate awaydays, and our acclaimed and highly accessible Hoops 4 Health sessions (free of charge) for groups who may have little access to sport and/or are seeking health and well-being benefits. 

Coaching courses for beginners are run each year, and we have programmes of ongoing coaching for more experienced players at all levels. Coaching is given freely by experienced members. 

Outside the main playing season some lawns may be available for play, subject to maintenance and weather considerations.  We usually have a range of social events (bridge evenings, board games, country rambles, club dinner) in the closed season.

Administratively, we are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) - Charity registration no: 1205537, run by an annually elected committee, funded mainly by subscriptions, tournament income, lawn hire and catering, and in 2020-21 some generous grant funding. We have a 35-year lease starting in 2020 on our premises, from Highfields Leisure Park Trust, and this also covers work on maintaining the fine turf and surroundings.  Our main expenditure is on the rent, utility bills, turf maintenance supplies and croquet equipment. The Member’s Area of this website contains more details of finances, constitution, AGM, elections, minutes etc.

Nottingham Croquet Club is affiliated to Croquet England, the national governing body for the sport, and the Federation of East Midlands Croquet Clubs